week 25
Subject: week 25 heyyyy everyone!!! i hope that you had a great week and stayed warm!! it looked like it was colder at home than here in Edmonton. Its been super warm lately but its getting really dark. This week was super good. We had Zone Conference and it was the last one for the year. We will be having Mission Tour next transfer with a General Authority and then our Christmas Conference the next transfer. It was really good though. The work is going great! holy moly yes. We have 7 investigators!! Get this. 2 of them are from Ghana. How in the world does that even happen? Tender mercies. Soooo Keita is getting baptized not this Saturday, but next so that is so exciting. His scriptural knowledge is amazing! we havent taught him tithing yet and he came to church on sunday and was like "so where do i pay my ten percent at?" hes just awesome. We sung on campus yesterday by the hospital and there was this couple..the lady was pushing him in his wheel chair and oh my go