
Showing posts from September, 2017

Week 20

Hi everyone!!! I hope your week was super awesome!! Mine was pretty great!! Sooo Caitlin was baptized this week and it was so awesome!!! Our other investigator backed out last minute. It was really sad but we know that she has a testimony and that she will be baptized one day. But Caitlin. Holy moly she is awesome!!! Idk how many of you saw her testimony on Facebook but the growth she has made because of the Gospel of Jesus Christ... ITS SO AWESOME. When we first met her, holy moly it was so awkward because the Spirit was so strong in each lesson but she didnt know what in the world she was feeling because it was so foreign. Once she accepted that it was the Spirit and realized that this was Gods plan for her, she dropped everything that would hold her back in the blink of an eye. I love her so much!! We had a really cool experience at the library downtown the other day. So we had an appointment set for someone else but they ended up cancelling and we were just g

week 19

hi everyone!!! I hope that you have all had a great week and are safe from all these natural disasters!  This last week was good :) it was very busy and its going to get even more busy with the 2 baptisms coming up this weekend and 12 preset appointments we have. Its going to be a fun week! Our investigators are doing great and we are so pumped for this next Saturday!!! so life is good for everyone :) nothing really crazy happened this week. We have really grown close to the woman in the hospital and it was so cool to see how much she has grown. The first time we visited her, she was hiding the Book of Mormon around her roommates and was embarrassed of her religion. This last time we went and visited her, she had us bring extra copies of the Book of Mormon so she could write her testimony in them and give it to them! It was so awesome :)) I am so sorry but I really cant remember what even happened this week so here are some pictures. Oh we had Zone Conference!! That was

Week 18

Hi everyone! I hope you had a greeeaaatt first week of September. I cant believe that its already that time of the year. Canadian cold weather is on its way..and boy am I a little nervous about it lol So this week was a bit of a long one. We had exchanges and Sister Blackburn and I went to downtown Edmonton! It was one heck of a time :)) I loved it!! There were sooo many people!! and the city is just gorgeous. Not gonna lie, i was a bit prideful with thinking the mountains and country were the most gorgeous things ever (which they still are) but I totally realized how pretty the city is too!! :)) The apartment we stayed in was on the 24th floor. It was soooo crazy. We were on exchanges Tuesday night to Wednesday night and we had an appointment with a less active who is in the hospital with a mental illness. coolest story ever. We all studied for her in our personal studies and didnt discuss what message we wanted to share with her before hand. Sister Blackburn and I came together