
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week 17

heyyyy everyone! i hope that you are all doing well and that the first week of school was good! This week was a fast one for sure. So cool story, the investigator I talked about last week that said she felt very uncomfortbale...well she is getting baptized in a couple weeks now and has a very strong testimony!! After that awkward lesson, she told us that the feeling she had in the chapel was just so foreign and strong that she didnt know how to express herself and that she felt like it was the Holy Ghost. Major plot twist but so incredibly awesome!! We taught her the Word of Wisdom and she was saying how after she committed to not drink coffee, her desire to do it went away. It was so so so cool. We have another investigator and she is so prepared. She literally cut us off as we were asking her to be baptized and told us yes before we could finish. She is amazing!! Like get this... before we had her first discussion she literally tried sharing the Book of Mormon. She was telling u

Week 16

heyyy everyone!! I cant believe summer is officiallyy over! time flies wowza. so let me tell you.. life is good here in the city! So i was super nervous going to the big city of edmonton! I LOVE IT. Edmonton is soooo gorgeous. Sister Hall and Sister Blackburn are my companions and oh my heavens I just love them so much!! Our apartment is on th 10th floor so we have this gorgeous view of the city and we drive a 2017 Rav4. Are we blessed or what!!! Its been a blast pinkwashing this area and we've went only 1 day without teaching a lesson so its been such a good experience! I love love love it!! We go finding by going on the LRT. Idk what that stands for but its like the city railing system. It is so much fun and I love it!! It seems like itd be scary because its one on one but its awesome because you just pop a squat by someone and talk to them. Its so  much more natural and Ive noticed as you just get to know them, a topic of the gospel always gets brought up and it takes off fr

Week 15

Hi everyone :) well. im 2 for 2 on transfers with the changes and Im getting transferred to Mt. Pleasant which is in the city ( i think) and we will be serving in a YSA(Young Single Adult) Ward!! Ill be in a companionship of 3 and we will be pinkwashing the area (or starting clean) so it is going to be fun. Ill sure miss Beaumont! I love this place!!!! <3 So this week was just crazy hectic. Between cleaning and packing up the apartment on top of regular life in a week was crazy. I cant believe its already Pday! Holy smokes. I dont have much thats new this week  but we had a really cool experience! So we did mutual for the YW this week and we had them write their testimonies in a Book of Mormon and pick a house on the map that they wanted it to go to. Since we tracted out the whole town, we knew most of the houses so we went to deliver this Book of Mormon and last transfer, I had went to this house and visited with this woman and we all got to be pretty good frinds! I remember w

week 14

Hi everyone! I hoppe your last weeks of summer are going great! I cant believe that its August already!! My week has been pretty jam packed! So heres a little overview of my week.. Tuesday- WE WENT TO JASPER AND SAW THE MTNS Wednesday- Zone Conference in North Edmonton with a new implementation called Tiwi for our cars. Thursday- We got Facebook and had a day long training on using smartphones and social media. Friday-Saturday- complete blur lol Sunday- 2 of our investigators came to church!!!  Monday- We volunteered at Heritage Days! Jasper was just the most amazing thing ever. Haha I know it has been just 3 months but oh i wanted to just shed a little tear when i saw the mountains. Ah! They are gorgeous!!!!! The glacier lakes too. Everyone needs to go to Jasper. Hands down. It was so much fun. The member that took us forgot to exit so we toured a little bit of Edmonton before going to Jasper lol. We saw elk, mountain goats, mountain sheep,

week 12

hi everyone! holy moly. this week was crazy..awesome..and crazy again. all good things, all good things :) So it has just been storming like crazy here. The rain is insane!! Sister Passey and I are convinced that a tsunami is going hit or something wild. Haha i thought Valley weather was bi polar..Canada is probably worse even lol. So let me tell you why Im telling you about this crazy weather. We had like a crazy day and to be honest, it was a very discouraging day. We had been looking and looking for fellowshippers to come to our lesson with one of our investigators and it took some hard work and looking for two to come with us, finally got two men to come with us,  then that teaching appointment was cancelled, and it was just a crazy day. Then, we went to do our backups.. and our backups fell through because it was pouring rain and we couldnt tract in that. So we filled our time trying to fulfill our purpose as best as we could going through the area book and finally it was tim