Week 18

Hi everyone! I hope you had a greeeaaatt first week of September. I cant believe that its already that time of the year. Canadian cold weather is on its way..and boy am I a little nervous about it lol

So this week was a bit of a long one. We had exchanges and Sister Blackburn and I went to downtown Edmonton! It was one heck of a time :)) I loved it!! There were sooo many people!! and the city is just gorgeous. Not gonna lie, i was a bit prideful with thinking the mountains and country were the most gorgeous things ever (which they still are) but I totally realized how pretty the city is too!! :)) The apartment we stayed in was on the 24th floor. It was soooo crazy. We were on exchanges Tuesday night to Wednesday night and we had an appointment with a less active who is in the hospital with a mental illness. coolest story ever. We all studied for her in our personal studies and didnt discuss what message we wanted to share with her before hand. Sister Blackburn and I came together in companionship study and in personal study, we both individually came up with the exact same message and exact same committment to have Liz study Christ out of the topical guide in the scriptures. THENNN... we get back with Sister Hall and I kid you not she had came up with the exact same thing. Her and I both read the same talk and got the same quotes and we all had the exact same committment to have her read the scriptures about Christ in the topical guide. We hadnt discussed it at all what even general idea we wanted to share with her. I was blown stinking away at how amazing the Spirit is. Okay and side  note, Canadian hospitals are so different. We met a guy on the street that wanted us to come visit him and his little boy in the hospital and we literally didnt have to prove any identity or relation or anything. We literally walked into the stollery, asked where this room was, and they said "okay hes in isolation so heres these gowns and put on these gloves" It was nuts. He was a 3 year old little boy that had a brain tumor and is now on chemo because he has cancer. Long story short, his dad had us come so he could chew us out because he doesnt believe in Christ. It was so sad. Well keep praying for them though. 

We are getting ready for 2 baptisms on the 16th :) They are both so ready and Im so excited for them!!! It was really cool because yesterday we taught one of them to keep the Sabbath day holy and a few other things. She mentioned a few weeks ago she was job searching and she told us yesterday "oh ya, i figured that I wouldnt work on Sundays so I could come to church so i already established that with my boss". It was so cool!! I think the beauty of being a missionary is seeing regular people.. the people we see on the streets,  the people in the store crave to learn more and do things that we do because they know it's right. We hear how we are so sheltered in the Valley and it's not bad to be sheltered... it makes the conversion of these people so much more real and so amazing. It has strengthed my testimony so much seeing the blessings these people (and myself) are receiving because they are willing to do the hard things and stop coffee after drinking it their whole lives or read the scriptures every morning when they are harder to read for them.  Sister Blackburn had to go home because she was having some serious illness with chronic migraines and that was pretty tough. Im going to miss her sooo much. She was so awesome and was an incredible example to me. But Im so grateful to have Sister Hall! We had a blast in our tripan and it was like the best time ever.. but sometimes, Heavenly Fathers plan is different and thats okay because life is still great! Anyway, thats about it for now. I love you alll soooo much!! Thank you for all your love and support. <3

Mosiah 2:41...And moreover, I would desire that ye should consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual; and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. O remember, remember that these things are true; for the Lord God hath spoken it.

Sister Rivera
Canada Edmonton Mission💌🗺️
1&4) I hit four months!!
2) its getting colder
3) city liffeee

5) 4 am this morning gettting candian candy at a gas station before the airport


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